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The Dangerous Brown Recluse Spider
Brown Recluse Spiders -
It's summertime & cleanup is going on. Be careful where you put your hands.
They like dark spaces & woodpiles.
Also cool areas in the attic, so it's wise to wear heavy Leather or Rubber Gloves
and leave the light on for a good 30 minutes before you start working in a darkened
Please be careful.
Spider bites are dangerous and can have permanent
and highly negative consequences.
They like the darkness and tend to live in storage sheds or attics or other
areas that might not be frequented by people or light.
If you have a need to be in your attic, go up there and turn on a light
and leave it on for about 30 minutes before you go in to do your work.
On old Boyfriend of mine, Larry, got a spider bite (tiny wee thing, too, I think), and it caused a rash on his stomach. Pretty scary,. He ended up going to the hospital to get it checked out, but you can have a very different reactio to a spider bite than what you might think, so if you've been bitten, seek Medical Help immediately, and if you can descrbe the spider, all the better.
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