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Writing, Acting & Entertainment

I've been meaning to do a page all about Writing for a while, now. I designed and taught a Screenwriting Course in Calgary when I first moved here 10 years, ago (hard to believe...), and have written 3 Spec. Scripts for The Simpsons. Now I devote most of my time to writing this website -- takes a lot more time than I would have guessed when I started it about 4 years ago. (First I had to learn how to use the computer!)

I used to have a really good little Ten Step Program, if you will, for Writing Scripts, so I'll have to poke around my office to see if I can find it. Basically, though, if you have a great idea for a Script, for a Current TV Show or something Brand New, I say, pop into any of these Sites on my page to get some basic info about Format, since it tends to change a wee bit from time to time, then Start Writing!

Oh, and if you have children (or Students, if you happen to be a Teacher), and they like to watch TV (and this is useful for yourself, too), get them to start watching TV with the eye and ear of a Writer. Have them listen for Character Names, learn all about each Character, and then have them come up with 'Character Lines' for different situations. Gets them thinking on a different level, and they can really get involved in the Shows. That's my kind of 'interactive TV'! ha,ha!

How to Write a Romance Novel

There are some great computer programs out there for Screenwriting, so I'll search around for you and see what I can find.

The Best Magazine I've read for Writers is The Writer's Digest, which is wonderful for providing all sorts of info in every Genre. It's funny, inspirational, and has all sorts of info you can actually use.

<><$5 OFF on a Large Selection of Magazines!> (This is a great Gift for any Aspiring Writers on your Gift List!)

The Writer's Market is a great source for where to send your Writing, plus, tons of practical information to get you on the road to being a Published Author.

There's a Songwriter's Market and a Romance Writer's Market, too, so there's info out there for whatever you write! Years ago I wrote a Romance Novel, but never really did anything with it -- maybe I'll get back to that, since the story is just as true now as it was then...

Oh, and as for the Acting, my Daughter, Cara, who is 17, is really into Acting. She goes to a Fine Arts School, which is great, and she wants to pursue Acting as a Career. I'd love to see her apply for an Internship or a P.A. position on one of the TV Shows she likes (I think she'd be great on a Soap Opera, since she's very pretty and can memorize lines so quickly -- me, I'd be asking,"Which Show am I on? MmHmmm... and what was my Character's Name, again?", because that would be the 50th time I'd asked those very same questions... but I'm good at making up my own stuff, and crappy at remembering what someone else wrote!)

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http://www.wga.org/mentors/BestMentor.html This is a great link if you also a Writer, or interested in becoming a Writer... it's through the WGA (Writers Guild of America).

http://www.filmstaff.com/browsejob Ever wanted to know all the different jobs in Hollywood, specifically in the Film Industry? You might be surprised by how many positions there are -- and not all on the Casting Couch, neither...! ha,ha,ha!

<Entertainment Jobs In Film Production And Television Production
Filmstaff.com is where people go for entertainment jobs. Thousands of producers use our searchable database to find their crew. Hundreds of paying jobs each week. Do you take your entertainment career seriously? We do. >

Check out these sites for Screenwriting ... http://www.screenwriting.com/ - http://www.wga.org/tools/links3.html#screen

<2005 Writer's Market
2005 Writer's Market

><2005 Guide to Literary Agents
2005 Guide to Literary Agents

><2006 Writers Market
2006 Writers Market

><Childrens Writers & Illustrators Market 2006
Childrens Writers & Illustrators Market 2006

><Romance Writer's Handbook: How to Write Romantic Fiction and Get It Published
Romance Writer's Handbook: How to Write Romantic Fiction and Get It Published

><The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script
The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script

><Screenwriter's Workbook
Screenwriter's Workbook

><Script Is Finished, Now What Do I Do?: The Scriptwriter's Resource Book and Agent Guide
Script Is Finished, Now What Do I Do?: The Scriptwriter's Resource Book and Agent Guide


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I like the writing style, &/or great content on these Sites...

http://www.pinkisthenewblog.com/ - This is one of Cara's favorite New Sites -- very funny!

www.imdb.com Cool Site you'll want to check out, if you don't already pop in there every day! TV, Stars, Music...

http://www.wherethehellismatt.com/ - Where the Hell Is Matt? I saw Matt on Ellen Degeneres, and this is just a fun site to check out! Matt dances his way around the World, so you'll see the world and have big laughs, too! (This is sooo funny -- if you've ever wondered what it's like to be in 'The Green Room' before a TV Show, check this out. Great stories about Matt's time on The Ellen Degeneres Show.)

These are great Sites to see if you can be an Extra in a Movie, attend a Show Taping or possibly become an active 'Audience Participant' in some Shows. http://www.BeInAMovie.com , http://www.tvtix.com/

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