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At Home with Ailsa -- Archived Ailsa, 2010... :)

Okay, one day I will figure out how to get a new picture on here of myself... a much slimmer, blonder Me! lol! Until then, I have finally made it onto Facebook, and as soon as I figure out how to set up my new Router, I will be able to 'chat' with you on Facebook -- won't that be fun? There's one lonely picture of me taken last week, when my lovely daughter, Cara, and I went to a fantastic Sunday Brunch in Marina del Rey, which I love (Brunch and the Marina!) Soon we'll all be friends! Yahoo! - May '06 - April '06 - March '06 - February '06 - January '06 - December '05 - November '05 - October '05 - September '05 - August '05 - July '05 -June '05 - May '05 - April '05 * March '05 * February '05 * January '05 * December '04 * November '04 * October '04 * September '04 * August '04 * July '04 * June '04 * May '04* April '04* Archived At Home With Ailsa Pages * At Home I * At Home II * At Home III * At Home IV - At Home With Ailsa - Menu

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How to Raise Healthy and Happy Children, the easy way! (Featuring: How to Stop the Whining! Theirs, not just yours! lol!) Save a Friend from Whining! Tell a Friend :)

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Monday, January 18th, 2010. Happy Martin Luther King Day! I hope you enjoyed a day full of freedom and acceptance of the person you are...I was reluctant to write, today, in case I wrote what I really see in America, specifically in Los Angeles and the rest of Southern California... not all as good as one would like it to be, for sure. Let's just say that America has come a long, long way toward full equality for all, but I, as a visitor to this place, hope there is great change to come. I see racial division where I can't understand it, segregation and self-segregation where it shouldn't be, and I'm not sure why, except for the long-standing racial issues in the States, and everyone still hurts from old wounds, and no wonder. I'm not sure that time heals all wounds.. depends on how deep they are, right? I do see tremendous hope on the playground at my son's school, where all the kids play together, as they should. Maybe we're just one little generation away from complete harmony... wouldn't that be great?? Maybe we could all get blue Avatar bodies, then all be as one?? (And super tall with a tail! Which part appeals to you the most -- being blue, or having a tail?? What? Who's the dirty one who just wants to get a little tail?? hahaha!)

So, on a muuuch lighter note, I just watched The Bachelor, or as I believe it should be called, The Bachelor's B*tches... lol! Those craaaazy girls! And I'm not kidding about the crazy part -- they should have a sequel where we get to follow the girls through therapy, with the girls going straight from the limo that quickly whisks the losers away straight to the therapist's office... maybe the therapist could be the limo driver? I don't know, I'm a little tipsy and haven't thought the whole thing through, just yet... but I don't think the therapist HAS to wear his speedo through the WHOLE session... that can get soo awkward. For the Speedo. Does Bachelor Jake have a section in his contract that requires him to have his shirt off for minimally 30% of the show?? Yick! Aand, I have zero access to a studio or a camera, so my show idea is safe, for now! lol! (That's my 'Cold Cure' that's laughing -- I'm much more difficult to amuse than that... in fact, I hardly laughed at all through the Bachelor B*tches comedy routines, and they were there with Jon Lovitz, who is hiiiliarious... what's wrong with those girls?? Does desperation make you not funny?? Uh-oh! Good thing I left desperation behind about an hour ago! I had a feeling it wasn't doing me any good! haha!)

Here's a weird thing... I have Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men on DVR (I looove DVR!), which Aidan and I really like to watch together (my little man, Aidan, my 10 year old son, if you're new to my site, and if you are, Heelllooo!! Try the 'Cold Remedy' It's a Two-Drink Minimum Site -- sorry, those are the rules... my job is just to enforce them! No, that's silly. I can't really enforce the rules, I am really more of an 'encourager', or co-dependent... you choose your own fancy word... and you don't have to count your drinks -- that's totally annoying. But if you do happen to have a spouse, and lucky you if you do, maybe they're already doing all the counting for you -- see how helpful that is? And charming, too. Suddenly, being Single has an upside! hahaha!) Anyway, I digress (odd for me...). I find it bizarre that Charlie Sheen can 'allegedly' (spelling? I'm too lazy to get out my dictionary, or check it online... really, I just make reference to my favorite Oxford Dictionary... I'm old school like that!) hold a knife up to his wife, the mother of his new children, on Christmas morning, and go back on his show virtually unscathed, and Tiger Woods is held to this Gold Standard (that's not right! I think I mean LOW Standards... those words is soo tricky to remember!) for cheating. Not that cheating isn't horrible -- it is, but it's not the same as physical abuse. I was as shocked as anyone at Tiger Woods for his betrayal of his lovely wife, and I'm not sure why they didn't just get a divorce, if he had such a need for soo many other women (or one other woman... you know the drill, so-to-speak). But you'd think that physical abuse, or the threat of physical abuse, would have more serious ramifications than something you would see on Cheaters. (Is there any way we might be able to see that on Cheaters?? 'Cause then I would actually watch that show, fer sures. You know, I'd like to see if Tiger Woods orders the drink, first, or does he get the girl and then the drink? What's the order? I'm curious where I shouldn't be, apparently! lol!)

My new 2010 calendar has a picture of a beach on it (I love a nice beach!), but the January picture has one set of giant footsteps walking across a beautiful beach, and every time I look at it, it reminds me of the Footprints in the Sand poem. Remember that? Where the person says to God, 'hey, how come you left me alone when I needed you the most?, and God says, 'That's the time I carried you" (God is wonderful like that...) Anyway, I feel better when I look at that picture, and think of those words. For sure this is going to be my most difficult year, yet, so I bought myself a little bracelet with Black Pearls (very pretty -- the pearls are really different shades of purple and green), with a little silver bead in the middle that says 'Courage', so I figure between my favorite Jesus bracelets, which I wear every day, my little 'Courage' bracelet, and my little calendar picture, I can get through the tough times this year. It's funny, some years you get to just ride out, and some years you know there has to be big change in your life, but I'm hoping the Big Changes will lead to a better life... always worth a shot, right? It's never too late to make a change when things aren't going the way you need them to...I hope you have a year you can just relax and enjoy -- man, that would be great!

Otay, I've gotta get to bed... alone, dang it! Ah, well... at least I'm not on The Bachelor! Eeeewwww! hahaha! Hey, wouldn't that be the perect show for Tiger Woods?? But in the end he could get to keep them all?? And maybe they could bring their friends over, too? hahaha! Luvs 4 U (I'm learning text language!), Ailsa xox!

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More Home Remedies for a Cold: This is the time of year it seems everyone is coming down with something... maybe because school is back in, and the winter is always bad for colds and the flu, who knows, but here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

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The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a few Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

More Home Remedies for a Cold : here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Thursday, July 8th, 2010. So, did you watch Big Brother 12, tonight?? And have you guessed who the Sabateur is, yet? Did you love that they put the word, 'Sabateur' up on the screen so people could say it and sound it out, AND know how to spell it?? haha! Good idea! I took note, too! Sooo, I think Annie... she's kind of the sleeper of the group, and Lane, even though he's like the Silent Lone-Wolf guy, he might really just be a quiet guy... which reminds me of that old line, "silent waters run deep', which I have attributed to more than one boyfriend over the years (lol!), but one day I read this hilarious quote (wish I could remember where), but it went like this... "Silent Waters don't run deep, they don't run at all!" haha! It never occurred to me that a silent guy might NOT be thinking anything at all, just sitting there, a giant lump on my sofa. haha! (Clearly, I'm greatly amused by this, now, and unfortunately, still attracted to the same 'silent types' -- what's wrong with me?? haha!) Oh, yeah, and I had some beer while I was watching Big Brother, so that might totally be clouding my thoughts, right now!

I think the Sabateur on Big Brother could be the really good looking P.E. Teacher from Riverside, California, Branden (Brendan, like the male form of Brenda?? haha!). Really, the lights suddenly go out and you immediately think, 'Oh, it's bed time' (for teddy bears). Hilarious! I gotta bwush my teef!! I gotta hurry! So funny. A clever ruse... :) But all stuff we love, since it's fun to watch it with someone else who will laugh their way with it with you. Oh, and because Brendan is a teacher, maybe he only wants to be on the show for 5 weeks, collect his $50 Grand for being the Sabateur, maybe get noticed by Hollywood, forget teaching and move straight into a Big Movie career?? Like everyone else within 500 miles of L.A.! haha!

I loved the whole 'L'il Brittney' thing, where the only thing I remembered about her was that she said she was newly engaged... and that she loooves Ragan, because she really, really loves the 'flaming homosexuals'. Hmmmm.... if you're still using the entire word, 'homosexuals', are you really in love with our favourite gays?? That's so crazy! But I love Ragan, too, if only for his name, since that's fantastic.... do you think his parents had a Big Plan for their son to be a Republican? haha! Maybe all kinds of open-minded people are using the entire word, homosexual', but I just can't imagine that. IIt's like a clinical description to me... needs to be waaay more fun! Perhaps she could get a visit from Kathy Griffin, learn a little more about 'da gays', and the words to use! lol! (I just finished Kathy Griffin's new book, Kathy Griffin's Memoirs -- it's soo great, you'll love it!)

You know the girl from Vegas? Rachel? Giant chest?? Did she have red hair? Who can remember?? haha! Anyway, she had giant bazoomgas... and did she really say she was a CHEMIST?? hahaha! So strange, I don't know any chemists that look quite like her. Maybe she just bought a Chemist's outfit at the Romance 4 Us store down the street from the Big Brother Studio!

Did you love Enzo, the mama's boy? Uh-oh. That never turns out well. Sure, you wanna love youse muthah', but there's gotta be a limit.. "Oh, Ma, I'd marry youse if youse wasn't my mother..."! hahahaha! Those crazy mama's boys! (Don't marry them, girls!! Get out now, if you see the signs! Plenty of real men out there, one who loves his mom but doesn't necessarily want to MARRY her! hahaha! And if his name is Oedipus, get to runnin'! haha!)

What about Andrew, the Jewish Doctor? Hmmm. Why the emphasis on his religion? Maybe the mole? How religious do you think he really is? Was the religion thing thrown in because people would think, 'oh, a religious man wouldn't try to fool anyone...? Tricky to tell. He seems observant... will be interesting to see over the course of the Season...he was moving around an awful lot when the lights went out, and the 'mole', or 'sabateur' would probaby know the place inside out, so would know their way around... and he immediately offered himself to sit out on the first challenge for HOH (Head of Household), which meant he couldn't be voted out... preplanned?? Perhaps! We'll find out next Thursday! Now my summer looks better! (A sad reflection of my life?? haha!)

So my own life is pretty crazy, right now. My house is on the Market, and I want to sell it quickly, so I've dropped the price by $50,000 (sob, sob!). Ah, well. The prices for houses are waaay lower where I want to move to, so even if I take a loss here, I can make it up on the other side... hopefully1 It's a tough economy, so you have to make adjustments for that. Life didn't work out for me in Los Angeles the way I thought it would. Teachers are not supported, here, the way they need to be, and frankly, I didn't find one good man to marry, so forget it. I hate the law that says you can stay if you're married -- so archaic. It costs a pile to even apply for a Green Card (and 5 years to get it processed, so I've timed out on that one), and I had a principal over the past couple of years who didn't speak to his staff, so there was no way I wanted to ask him for a glowing letter for me to present to the INS. I look forward to teaching in a system where there are truly great leaders, who value and are kind to their staff, and protect them from harm. Seems pretty basic, and I have had some great administrators over the years here, but in order to apply for the Green Card, I needed the full support of my current principal, and , literally, his door was not open to teachers. Go figure. So that's enough, already, and now I just want to go home. Start again. I hope we get an offer on my property, soon, so I can get a new ball rolling, as soon as possible!

I'll let you know as soon as I do about what the Future Plans will hold! I hope to God there's some love in my future! And I hope there's a ton of love in your life, right now!! I hope you're watching Big Brother 12, too, so we can talk about it! Write to me -- I love your letters! Put 'Big Brother' in the subject heading, so I know you're my favourite Reader! lol!

Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox

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Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! I wish I made a commission off of this Chinese Wholesale site, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)

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The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

More Home Remedies for a Cold : here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Thursday, October 7th, 2010. So you know who I hate? Well, as usual, I have a sorta long list, but I particularly hate that girl on Survivor, NaOnka... her full name is NaOnka Mixon , and do you know why I know that? Because I was soo disgusted with this girl claiming to be a P.E. Teacher in L.A., and then spouting hateful things about Kelly, the girl who is doing her very best with one leg -- OMG, this NaOnka is a nightmare, and since I am a REAL teacher in LA, I just couldn't go another day without looking up her credentials, and she does not have any listed with the California Commission on Teacher Credentials. So, there. She IS NOT a teacher. Thank God. Someone that reprehensible should not (and hopefully wouldn't) be a teacher. Ugh. And why is it so easy for some people to defend terrible behavior by simply declaring themselves 'ghetto', and it's suddenly acceptable. Nope. Never acceptable. I hope this girl is raked over the coals for her horrible words against this young girl, Kelly, who is a shining example for how capable she is as an amputee. Man, that stuff infuriates me.

Okay, that said, I am loving the 'Old Team'. Hilarious that 'old' is anyone over 40, and 'young' is anyone under 30, so what happened to the 30 Somethings?? haha! And is it just me, or are there more castaways with good strong personalities on the 'old' team, or do we just have more air time of them?? haha! I loooved when the young team danced/marched into the competitions with their little chant -- sooo funny! But I cannot believe they voted off Jimmie Johnson, the NFL Coach -- man, he was fun to watch. I wouldda kept him around as londg as I could just to see what I could learn from the guy (plus, maybe he would totally know some football players he could set me up with! lol! Always lookin' out for Number One!! haha!)

Already lots of in-fighting, my favourite part! It's such a great human drama, and is an excellent reminder why you would NEVER want to go on a vacation with people you don't know -- too many crazies out there to get stuck with folks you don't know for anything longer than a few hours! lol!

So I've had a particularly tough few weeks, thus the 'no writing' for a wee bit, but I think I'm getting things under control, now, thankfully. You know when you just feel overwhelmed with life... I found myself wishing I had a man in my life to take over for me, handle all this difficult stuff, but, dammit, no man at this point, so I had to sit down and figure out how I could solve one problem at a time, and just went through my list o' problems one at a time, and took care of them.... I'm on Problem # 3, right now, and have almost finished with that, too... a plumbing issue with a neighbour... more when it's all resolved, so I can tell you the whole story. (lol!)

Okay, I hope you are having a FANTASTIC week, with no problems whatsoever! Write and tell me what that feels like! haha! I canny wait 'til I have a whole week or, imagine this, a whole month (year?? lifetime??? haha!) of being problem-free.... wonder what that feels like?? lol!
Write to me -- I love your letters! Put Survivor or something specific in the subject heading, so I know you're my favourite Reader! lol!
Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox

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Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! I wish I made a commission off of this Chinese Wholesale site, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)

Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Favorite Recipes - FREE Monthly Horoscopes! Yippee!! - Great Travel Deals & Jobs - Ailsa's Favorite Books -Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real!-Shopping - U.K.Shopping - Poker - Personalized Products - Personal Breathalizer -Teen Stuff - Gifts for Someone You Love - Furniture - Decorating - - eBay - Amazon - Quit Smoking the Easy Way - Sports - Furniture - Decorating - eBay - Tell a Friend about My Site - Ailsa's Scottish Diet * Astrology * Fitness with Ailsa * Travel * Home Search -- MLS * Site Menu

The Money Frog -- I'm obsessed with The Money Frog! With a couple of Free Feng Shui Tips thrown in for fun... Find out where you can put Green and Yellow things around your house to bring even more luck and money into your home! And, A Feng Shui Love Tip to Bring More Love into Your Life!

More Home Remedies for a Cold : here are some simple Home Remedies that will get you or your loved ones back on track, and nice 'n healthy, right away...Onion, Honey 'n Lemon Drink, A Home Remedy for Colds & Viruses, Cure for the Common Cold , Yummy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Friday, October 15th, 2010... Hey, You.... You, you, you! My favorite You! So, how was your week? Problem-free?? haha! Really, does anyone really ever have a problem-free week?? I would love to meet that person (I'm assuming there's only ONE! lol!) Do you like my new 'White' page? I'm trying to simplify my life, and it looks like the only part I can try to make better by pushing a few buttons is my website! hahaha! Ah, well... you control what you can, try to survive the rest, which, of course, brings us to one of my favourite crazy reality shows, Survivor. Aaah, I love the fights, like I don't get enough of that at work (yes, this week I was locked in a room with an administrator -- and, no, I don't tell you that to make you all jealous o' my fancy life... which reminds me of my fave new song, 'You Fancy, Huh?" hahaha! If you haven't heard it, you gotta get hold of it, listen to the lyrics, you'll laugh out loud! You're a Grade 12 Graduate -- you fancy, huh?? hahahaha!)

So I loved it on Survivor when they switched up the 'old' with the 'new'... I would, quite frankly, enjoy a show with the stupids versus the smarties, and let the people themselves decide which team they belong on, since it has been my experience, and, no, not just based on my wonderful week at school, that the stooopidiest of all da peoples firmly believe they is da smartiest... check it for yourself... have a wee chat with someone you KNOW is an idiot, ask some telling questions so you can find out how brilliant they think they is (if they read this and think this is fer real, that's problem # 1... see how easy this experiment will be?? hahaha!). OMG, I think I just hit on a gold mine -- this would be soo much fun to watch! Would there even BE anyone on the stupi team (pronounced -- stoooo-peee)?? Man, I would soo watch that, and root for whoever wasn't a total douche... yes, I said it. It's on TV, now, so maybe AOL won't block it! hahaha1 (Now who da stupi?? Meee?? Well, not da first time, today!! lol!) (Why, yes, I did just have a Strawberry Dacquiri, and I have no idea why you alwasy ask me that... lo!)

Well, the charming NaOnka didn't say anything truly horrendous about a person with a disability, this week, because she was switched over to the 'oldie' team, so I would imagine there was a little celebration by Kelly B., the courageous amputee on the 'young'uns tribe)... NaOnka didn't mention, vehemently, throwing anyone's prosthetic leg in the fire, or nuthin', but man, the grammar for this 'teacher'... puh-leeeease. Teachers need to know how to speak good, right?? hahaha! Gooder? It drives me craaazy, every time they put NaOnka's name on the screen, followed by "P.E. TEACHER"... ugh. No. NOT a teacher. Maybe she KNEW a teacher, and that's the reference... so that irritates the hell outta me. And I love that she wanted to quit because it was raining. Really? Raining on Survivor, and you say you got wet? Oh, no! That's never happened before, so it's not like anyone couldda planned for that, or NUTHIN'... ugh. Quitters are annoying (which reminds me of one of my favorite friend's jokes... he's not in AA because he's no quitter... hahahaha! if you're all sensitive to that, I sooo sorry, but come on, that's funny!! Makes me laugh, every time! haha!)

And now that power-mad Marty is on the youngish tribe (not-so-young, any more!), and has lost almost all of his power. It's hilarious that the 'oldies' are treating the youngies as if they are children, but there's onot one 'kid' under 18, there... so what's that all about? Nothing more insulting to a young person than not being taken seriously by an oldie, so I'm lovin' the new dynamics. And hysterical that the old ones immediately betrayed their own team members -- what does that say about being older and wiser?? haha! Nothing like a little betrayal to liven up a show! So they voted off the Fire captain... too bad, I thought he was cute, but you never want to put yourself on the chopping block by standing out too much as the leader... the next sound you hear is whaaack! And not just from that poor chicken's neck, nweither!! haha! Why didn't the take the meat off the chicken, and cook the bones? What, no one knows how to stretch a meal? Seriously, wouldn't you learn all about Survival Skills before you headed out on survivor?? Boil the bones, make a nice soup, and wouldn't it be wise to study edible plants, so you would do a search to see what God might have left for you to pick?? haha! (Foof for religious folks and botanists! lol!)

Oh, and have you seen that new show, Running Wilde? OMG, soooo funny. If you loved Arrested Developent, you'll laugh yourself silly over Running Wilde. Will Arnett is hilarious, and I love the character Fa'ad, his ultra-rich buddy, and Andy Richter made an appearance -- laugh out loud funny... the car wash scene was sooo hilarious, you know they must have killed themselves laughing when they were making it :) It's on Tuesday night at 9:30pm... search around, you'll find it... soo worth watching :)

Are you getting all ready for Hallowe'en?? It's a very big deal in our house, and we're planning to go to Disneyland for their big Halloween Paarty... no alcohol, but I'll make up for that by gorging on Caramel Apples -- me favourite!! Yum! Whenever I have to pay for some assinine thing I don't want to pay for (more on the crazy neighbor story as soon as some time has passed... but let's just say that insanity cost me $350, which is 70 Caramel Apples -- that's a whole lot of fun for me that I missed out on, all because of someone else's lunacy... this lunacy business is really starting to get to me -- must move back to Canada, Land of the Normals!! haha!)... anyway, I love Caramel apples, and the caramel apples at Disneyland are d-i-v-i-n-e. Yep. Watch out, fifty pounds, I'm trying to find you, put you on!! hahahaha! (Okay, that little joke is just for me!! haha!) Hope you're having a greeeat week, and have a fantastic weekend! Go get you a Caramel Apple, and save one for me!! lol! Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox

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TIPS: Home Safety Tips , Skin Care Tips (that are just a little unconventional, but really work!), Home Remedies , Recipes , Lose Weight Now on Ailsa's Scottish Diet , Fitness Tips , Ailsa's Favorite Books ... a little Sex Tip and some Dating Advice (you can put your new Sex Tip to good use!)


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It's a Great Big Site, chock full of all sorts of Fun Stuff and Useful Information... take your time and have a wee look around -- I think you might be surprised by some of the stuff you find!

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Give your home a Complete Makeover with these tried and true Do It Yourself ideas that will give your home a brand new look. Renovations add more appeal to your home for your own enjoyment, and Renovations add value to any home, and you all know how much we love value?! (And by value, of course I mean money! haha!) Home Improvement -- it's a great way to love your home even more and add to it's re-sale value! Sometimes some nice new Decorating is all you really need to spruce your place up... You can start with some OxiClean! -- I use it to clean everything. Put two scoops of Oxi-Clean into your Carpet Shampooer with really hot water, and the carpets will come up beautifully. (Yes, I'm addicted to OxiClean!)

Building: Photo Gallery , Land * House Plans * Excavation * Foundation * Framing * Windows & Doors * Circular Driveway * Mechanical & Electrical * Interior Walls & Stairs * Garage *Exterior Finish (Scratch Coat) * Lighting * Kitchen Cabinetry* Flooring * Fireplaces *Appliances * Exterior Finish (Stucco) * Decks , Parks & Patios * Kitchen Island * Moving Day * Decorating * Landscaping * Window Coverings/ Linens 'N Things * Dealing with Contractors without Going Mad! * Annoying Power Bills * Checklists for Building * Chart for Building -- Keep Track of Your Spending * Material Checklist * Building Timeline * Home Improvement Idea

Sexy Outfits and a Giant Shoe Sale! Aaand, great Bathing Suits!! I never want to spend too much on bathing suits, because I'm in the pool and the Hot Tub all the time, and they wear out so quickly, so when I find great bating suits at fantastic prices, I gots ta share the information, right?? We friends like that! lol! I really like their bikinis, but that's just me! See what will work for you ... has an enormous selection of very sexy outfits! always has an amazing Shoe Sale, so it's definitely worth going through their Sale Pages! You can find some incredible deals in there on sexy outfits and shoes! WooHoo!
I've bought a lot of fabulous stuff from over the last few years, and they are exceptionally easy to work with online.(Check out their Sexy Outfits, too!) And their shoes and boots fit like a dream! I think I've bought three pairs of their Thigh High Boots, and they all fit perfectly! Now's the time to give that a try, if you haven't got some sitting in your closet, right now! haha! Electrique Boutique

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Flowers - Chocolates - Jewelry - Sexy Stuff - Shoes - Books (yes, this can be Romantic, depending on the Books!) - Weddings

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Win Big, Baby!!

<><><>< > I just really love the Amazon Gift Cards... perfect for somewhat lazies, such as meself! haha! I often will think about someone's Birthday, or Anniversary, or whatever it is that is not ME, well in advance, and then quickly and easily forget all about it, until I am panicked about a day in advance, and that's when I love Amazon Gift Cards the most! lol! They are little Life Savers for me! Makes me look good when I really a little bit Bad! hahaha :)

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