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You know I love to cook, so here are a whole lot of my tried and true Recipes! And, let's just say you're trying to 'catch' someone you really love, or really want to love... make them the Cherry Cheesecake Recipe... it's unbelievably light and delicious! The Cherry Cheesecake can be made with or without the Cherries, and you can easily substitute other fruits, like Blueberries or Strawberries, for the Cherries. If you ever wanted an American or British Patriotic Cake, you could put blueberries in the middle of the cheesecake, and carefully put the cherries around the outside. Or vice versa...! (Now there's a phrase straight out of the 80's, that you hardly ever hear these days..!) So here's the funny part... this really is some sort of aphrodisiac cheesecake, 'cause once you've made this for somebody, they're gonna want to marry you, so don't be goin' around just makin' this for anybody! haha! (Oh, and invite me over... I'll bring the wine, you supply the cheesecake! haha!) Happy Eating! Ailsa
Scottish Steak Pie (yes, finally a Pie for Dinner! haha!)
Cool 'n Creamy Cheesecake (No-Bake Cherry Cheesecake. It's unbelievably delicious!)
Onion Barley (an Aphrodisiac!)
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is a great source for Religious Items & info about the Saints... very interesting.)
I'm thinking that if you are on the 'Recipe' page, the chances are fairly high that you might have or know a child who loves Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Harry Potter, or any other 'cool' thing! My wee Aidan (he's 8, now!) looooves all things Pokemon, so really this link is for me to stock up for his Birthday and Christmas! is a great Source for the Rubber Wristbands, too -- they have them for all the Causes (like the Lance Armstrong LiveStrong Bracelets...), and almost anything else you can imagine.
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